Priority Traveler

Posted on Posted in Developer Diary

Anyone who has played the latest version of the game will have noticed two things:

  1. The game is broken. There are things that simply don’t work, or break when you try to use them.
  2. There isn’t much to do. The game world is devoid of characters and places with any substance.

I’m working on fixing that right now.


Step 1: Simplification

This is going to sound strange, but the first part is to change the way travel works. Which means changing the way that the whole world is structured. There are too many differences between the various area types in the game. This hinders the consistency of the code. Also, the map-like nature of some areas breaks the immersion. So I’m going to re-structure how traveling works. Each location will offer the same U.I. layout, and have the same capabilities (with some exceptions). You’ll travel from “area” to “area” in order to persevere immersion.


Step 2: Basic Content

You know that thing that humans do with their mouths? You know, where they smack their lips around in a way that affects other people. No, I’m not talking about blowjobs (Get your mind out of the gutter for a second). I’m talking about, well… talking. That most basic form of communication. Wouldn’t it be great if you could do that in Slave Craft? Don’t you think that would be one of the early things someone puts in their game? Why haven’t I added it to Slave Craft yet? What the hell is wrong with me? All good questions. I’m going to work on a basic model for NPCs so that you finally have someone to talk to. Even if it is just a shopkeeper.


Side Note

Slave Craft now has it’s very own Discord Server! You can join by clicking here.

I’ll be on there often while I work on the game, so if have any questions or comments, please stop by.